A list of reasons why a website is not ranking good

Numerous factors might contribute to a website’s poor rating, and Google frequently adjusts its search engine algorithm to further confuse matters. With so many variables to take into account, it can be challenging to identify what is harming your website’s rating despite your best attempts to fix it.

The home page itself:

The website’s home page serves as the vehicle for all of the other pages. It aids website users in learning more about the site. But more crucially, it makes your website easier for the “Spiders” of search engines to index. The Search Engine Spiders won’t have anything to find if the main page itself is not created properly.

The major “don’ts” for the home page of your website are:

  • There is no actual textual content or searchable images on the front page, which only contains flash animation or a menu.
  • The home page doesn’t load right away; instead, a splash page with the words “Enter” and a significant message loads.
  • Your website has no text and only images.
  • The website lacking a clear navigational option.
  • What must always be present on your website, especially when your rating is quite low:
  • There should be a significant amount of pertinent text on the homepage of the website.
  • A clearly categorised, easily accessible navigation system.
  • It shouldn’t take too long for the top page to load.
  • It ought to contain sufficient details about the website to let the user to make a decision regarding whether to continue browsing the rest of the website.

A picture is worth a thousand words:

This is a proverb that is very well-known and, in terms of humanity, is absolutely true. Do not, however, assume that this holds true for search engines as well. An image serves no purpose whatsoever to the search engine. Text is all they require. The search engine will use text to acquire the required information. If an image needs to be placed, it should always have a pertinent title in the “Alt” property because a search engine can read that.

The other factors affecting your ranking:

There are several other factors that can be hurting your website’s ranking. Here are few of them:

  • Creating links using JavaScript: Sometimes a site might look incredibly professional and use all the appropriate techniques but still perform poorly in search engine results. This could very well be the cause since employing JavaScript or even AJAX to generate links and content on the website is sure to lower its score.
  • There must be no backlinks: Even though this might not be the case if you’re actively optimising your website, if for some strange reason there isn’t even one other website linked to yours, this can affect how a search engine indexes your website. As a result, this is something more to consider.
  • Techniques that are dishonest: In an effort to get results quickly, some people occasionally use black hat SEO methods. This used to be quite frequent and was even somewhat successful. But I want you to know that this is no longer useful, and it can also negatively impact your website and be a significant factor in its low rating.


Over the years, there have been significant shifts in SEO trends, and 2014 was no exception. The constant changes imply that the current patterns will stay the same in the coming years. As a result, the SEO strategist does have a set approach or strategy that they may use for their long-term plans.

To make sure they do not harm a website’s rating, they must always employ some common sense approaches and preventative measures. Sometimes they follow all the correct procedures but are blind to a tiny technique that actually causes more harm than benefit.

Digitara has been creating websites for clients from around the world for a very long time and has created more than 2000 websites in total. However, they have been involved in SEO and digital marketing for roughly the same amount of time. The SEO staff at this company makes use of this perspective and knowledge to always offer effective SEO services. As a result, you may trust Digitara.

We are a reliable and swift 360 marketing agency. we provide integrated marketing solution from Web design & development to social media management, content curation, SEO & Performance Marketing, production and OOH advertising, PR, Events and Branding to maximize your marketing return.